You were born on September 7th at 9:03am - You were almost on time (a Weitzel trait) but a little bit late (a Robison trait).
Most of all, you did not make it easy on yourself. I would say this is a definitive family trait - but not unique to either of us.
Here is how it went. . .
Sunday 9-5
Aunt Kim in labor through most of the day - Madelyn born at 11:34pm
Monday 9-6
2:00am Text from Uncle JD reads "
Baby Robison is HERE!!! Kim and baby are doing great. Doors open at 2:45 to come meet the new little one." I reply "
won't be able to make it, Ann Marie is in labor"
We spend most of the day resting and walking to try to move labor along. We waited at home as long as possible, going for walks around the neighborhood to "speed the process".
7:30pm We arrive at
Henry Ford West Bloomfield and go through Triage -> Mom measured 6-7cm dilated. . . we had done just as our birth coach instructed us - "go us". Text to Uncle JD "
We are through Triage, AM is 6-7cm dilated - we will be in room 3". JD responds "
holy S@#* we are in room 5"
Tuesday 9-7
12:30am Fully dialated - no urge to push, let's break the water. . . whoosh. . .
3:00am Still nothing - turns out mom is actually only 4cm dilated. . . the Drs and Nurses were feeling a scar from a previous surgery - not the edge of her cervix. But no time to tell mom, we give her something to "help her rest" - the hard work still lies ahead.
5:45am Drop in fetal heart rate- more importantly, slow to recover - it is now or never!!!
6:00am Now mom feels urge to push. We try a series of positions to try to help moms comfort. Facing the back of the bed was NOT a good one. . . actually inspiring her to try to get off the bed to go home. . . stating firmly "
I think I want to be done now".
9:03am You were born - less than 36 hours after and two rooms away from your cousin Madelyn!! Uncle JD called your
APGAR from his room - you got lungs girl!!