Friday, December 19, 2014

Momma's Directions

Ellie handed me this note on the way to school.  They are directions on how to get there, complete with arrows.  (The arrows are right too!)

Good to know just in case Google crashes some day :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

1 (year) plus 1 (month) = Walker

Arghhh...I started this post a couple weeks ago on her 13th month bday.  But just getting around to finishing it today :(

Eva's 13 Months old and such a different little person.  She started walking two weeks ago with her first steps.  Two weeks later, we she's trying to walk more than crawl.  It's been a brutle week for bruises though.  As she's getting braver and braver and attempting more walking, the number of crashes and the falls have been exponential.  I keep flinching and hoping that we move past this phase quickly.

She's also "talking" a ton more.  She's using lots of signs (although they it only looks like there are 3 since her little fingers and hands have only so much dexterity).  She's correctly calling out mama and dada and says "All Done" with a great clarity.