Friday, October 30, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Eva's 2!

Little Eva's two.  And our family has reached a new equilibrium.  We celebrate every day for the happy place we have finally arrived at.  The girls are learning to play and have fun.  Braden and I are gaining more independence and finding time for ourselves and each other.

Eva is a sweet and funny little person.  Last week, I was putting dishes away and sneezed.  She immediately and instictively said "Bless you Momma".  She's very thoughtful and considerate of others (most of the time).  All week, we've been singing Happy Birthday in preperation for her day and she consistently redirected to others wanting us to sing the song to other people too.

I think she looks like me but has Braden's temperament.

She loves animals...both the live, breathing and stuffed kind.  We took her to a local farm yesterday and she loved interacting with all the critters big and small.

She LOVES to drive.  She tells us that she's going fast.  I'm hoping this is a passing fancy.

Sports and the associated balls are a favorite too.  She especially likes soccer.

Shoes.  All and any shoes.  If you come to our house and take you shoes off, they will be on her little feet minutes later.

She likes to sleep.  Putting her down for a nap and bed are not an issue (saying prayers that this continues).  But we can't get her off the bottles.  They have become part of the routine.  I know pediatricians every where are cringing.  She's a decent eater.  Meats and veggies are not high on the list but neither are breads.  She really, really likes fruit.

She likes to climb.  TV is a take or leave it.  Curious George, particularly the lobby dog, Hundley are a regular request.  She's not into books as much as Ellie was.  She has great verbal abilites and is picking up spanish well.  She surprised us this week counting up to Diez.

She holds her own socially.  She is generally outgoing and happy to meet people of kinds and sizes.  But never confrontational with other kids.  She knows when to walk away and when to assert herself.

She's about or over 30lbs.  Solidly 36ins and wearing 3T's.

I think this video captures the happiness we get to see in her every day.  She has been sunshine in our lives this year.

Love you so very much Little Eva!

Video of Eva @ 2 - Domino's Farm Ann Arbor.