Miss Ellie is having light bulb moments all the time now. She's starting to show a greater range of emotions...happy, giggly, frustrated, scared, etc. She's reaching and holding onto all sorts of things. She's also catching onto rolling from back to tummy. She loves to be looking and interacting with the world. After going through, what I thought was a growth spurt, we realized she was just ready for more solids. She needed the additional calories now that she's bigger and more active. It's started with rice cereal and then graduated to carrots. We're now feeding her solids at both lunch and dinner. Every feeding starts would with a "what the heck is this!" kind of face and then quickly turns to acceptance, if not enjoyment, of the carrort/rice cereal mixture. We're moving on to apples and sweet potato this upcoming week.
She's a full blow baby now!
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