Friday, July 1, 2011


As previously posted, Ellie has had little interest in crawling until the trail of Cheerios was laid a few weeks back.  In the continuing saga, we have a fully functional crawler sans-Cheerios.  Within the last few days she is up on the hands and knees motoring around, then sitting on her butt and then back on the hands and knees for more exploring.  She's even pulling herself up to standing.  That's where she really wants to can tell that if her little being could, she'd be walking.

Other skills acquired this week.  She is now actively associating words with actions.  She had a rattle in her hand and I said to shake it... and she did!  She also waved bye-bye when asked to (although this is still an only when Ellie wants to action).

Poor thing isn't feeling great this morning so we're waiting for the Dr to call back.  But it won't spoil the long weekend.  It's family play time!  Happy 4th of July everyone!!

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