Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Sign - Eat More

Yesterday, we received Ellie's first message.  We've been working on basic hand signing for the last 4-5 months.  But very little came of it until yesterday.  I was feeding her some dinner when as clear as she's even done them, she "signed"  EAT MORE.  As I've mentioned in other posts, food and eating often is of paramount importance to our little (or not so little) Ellie.  She learned to crawl using cheerios.  So I should not be surprised that the first message from her little brain would be food related as well. 

I've gone out to the local library to get more videos on baby signing.  It's sooo nice to finally understand what she is thinking.  We'll keep working on the verbal words, but if sign language is available too, I'm all for it!

Side note on verbal words, the week of her birthday she started to say her first sound...woof.  I'll see if I can post a video of it.  But of course, being the only sound word she can say...most animals now say woof when asked.  Although she does know it's the sound that belongs to dogs.  But what can you do if you only have one word in the toolbox? :)


  1. You have to tell me more about this signing stuff. Is it for real? How does it work? Do you think you're projecting or is the langauge that intuitive? It sounds so neat! I can't wait to see more Ellie vids!

  2. From what I've seen it's totally ligit...I've been using these videos to learn most of my words http://www.signingtime.com/. Although the videos are designed for babies, they show the adult way to sign the word and then a bunch of babies doing it (which is really helpful since their way is not exactly the same all the time).
