Friday, May 10, 2013

week 14 - the belly has popped

No more hiding it...the baby's officially making it's presence known!  I have a baby belly.  It seemed to appear relatively quickly.  I knew it was coming because the muscles located just below the sternum started to firm up.  (I've seen all sorts of videos and pictures of babies growing from their fetal selves.  But it makes me curious to know how the uterus grows and the surrounding body accommodates...I'm sure the internet contains this info somewhere.)

Now that we are in week 14, I think it's safe to start sharing/spreading the news that Baby #2 will be joining us later this year (the official date is Nov 3 but I think it'll be October).  We are super excited to see the family grow to 4.  We love having siblings to share life with and are excited to give that to Ellie and our new little person.

I've been writing notes the last 3 months so you'll be seeing those get posted next.

We just had our third ob visit today and it was so nice and assuring to hear a solid heartbeat in the right developmental location.  We also took Ellie with us which was a first.  Thank goodness it was Dr Davidson taking care of us.  He was so kind to include her throughout the appt and even wrote a prescription for a sucker.  I think she's finally starting to process that there's someone else, a baby, coming.

Skin is still very clear (very little acne) but no changes in hair to report.  I keep waiting for the thick, lushness hair to come.  Not yet I guess.  But on the excited side, I seem to be past the first trimester blahs.  I feel pretty normal and am even finding my groove with the new sleeping positions.  (Once the belly pops, it makes tummy and back sleeping pretty impossible for me.)

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