Today was a baby bean day. Appt with the ob in the morning and ultrasound in the afternoon. She's doing great per both visits. My belly is a whopping 21cm which aligns with her 21 weeks. And heartbeat was within normal range at 140 something. The ultrasound guesstimated her weight at 15ozs (per measurements of arm/leg bones, abdomen and head circumferences). And all organs looked healthy and normal.
Ellie's really starting to get this sister thing too. Baby Bean (via my belly) has been getting lots of daily hugs and kisses. Ellie tells me all the time that her sister will sit next to her (I'm presuming she's talking about in the car since she likes sharing car rides with cousins). And the cutest of them all was her question last night as I was leaving for hypnobirth class. She asked if I was taking "her sister" to the class with me. I giggled and nodded yes...the baby was going to have to go to class with me.
Side Note: I'm sorry to the universe for all the times I rolled my eyes at little people prior to having Ellie. Cause' it really is amazing how far their minds come in such a short amount of time. I guess that's part of the you just can't understand until you have your own stuff.
holy cow thats adorable! gosh I can't wait to experience sprouting sibbling-hood.