Friday, March 21, 2014

5 Months Down, 7 Months to Go

Little Eva turns 5 months this week.  Last week was the week the switch flipped and she started interacting with the world.  She started smiling to solicit connection and reaction from people.  She started to grab for all and anything new and interesting.  She started grabbing her little feet and toes and rocking back and forth in the happy baby yoga pose.  We started rice cereal.  She started laughing and being ticklish. It was a big week.

With all this new awareness, comes great parenting rewards.  I love going to get her from a nap or in the morning because her whole little body shivers with excitement.  When I talk to her, she really focuses and I feel like we're starting to connect in more than just a baby and nursing mother kind of way.  I see her starting to reach out to connect with others (literally...she'll swing her little arm towards someones face to touch their cheek or grab their nose).

On the down side, sleep has been challenging recently.  She continues to wake and immediately fall back asleep once fed or comforted so that's not the problem.  It's the frequency of times she's waking at night.  We were down to twice a night but the number started to creep back up to 4-ish times.  And unlike my sleeping baby, it takes me longer to turn my adult brain off and head back to sleep.

This stage is so frustrating for these issues.  Is it the lack of schedule we just haven't been able to keep recently?  Is it that she's ready for more food and that she's just not getting enough from nursing?  Is it teething pains?  Is it all these new skills and awareness of the world?  Sigh.  I'll just never know and just have to find a way to get thru the phase.  (While remembering to "enjoy" it because it goes I'm frequently reminded)

As for Ellie, she's 3 1/2 this month.  Half way thru the "crazy" year.  We feel like we live with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.  Her emotional roller coasters were really tough at first.  But with much counseling and coaching from family, friends and teachers, we've learned to embrace the craziness and just to have fun.  Because when Ellie is happy, there is nothing better.

1 comment:

  1. have you heard of 'wonder weeks'? I heard of it, but never actually picked up the book. Basically the idea is that there is marked occasions of different developmental growths and poor sleeping tends to follow those. I bet you anything Eva's in the middle of one right now. The best part of this news is that it should pass in a week or 2. Thats the thought anyway. :p Good luck to you! I hope you find some shut eye. I remember that weariness only too well. Love you.
