Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy 9 Months!

What a great month.  Braden's been home the whole month and we've been teaming up to knock back some of parenting dramas.  Who knows exactly why, but Ellie's been back in her happy go lucky place.  Eva's reached an age and ability of being someone/some thing for Ellie to play with.  So although, Eva is often the butt of Ellie's humor, they will spend 15-30mins hanging together.  Sleep, although not awesome, is getting better on days.  (And the days that follow are the best!)

Rewinding a month, we hosted Uncle Cort, Aunt Amber and Cousin Sophia.  It was neat having the cousins together.  Sophia's about two months ahead so it's a sneak peek into the upcoming months.

About the same time Eva started crawling (maybe Sophia inspired her!).  It's not the "normal" crawl but it's mobility and she's perfecting it.

She also had her first fever this past month.  It reached 100 degrees and lasted over a night.  All we can figure is that it was related to her teething.  She teeths and teeths like crazy but we still have only one, lonely little bottom tooth.  

Her sense of self continues to grow.  She's become much more vocal about what she likes, dislikes, wants and doesn't want.  At our baby signing class, she gravitates to the same foam blocks every week and likes to chew on the same plastic instruction sheets during exploration time.  When she's had enough of Ellie or other babies get into her space, she calmly puts her hand up and pushes back.

She's also trying to communicate more.  Unfortunately the baby signs haven't taken hold.  So we're getting a lot of squeals and shouts.  She's been doing more and more of call and respond type games.  When one of us bobs our heads up and down in the yes motion.  She'll repeat.  And it goes back and forth for awhile.

Dancing also seems to have taken hold.  She really likes jamming out in our arms while we dance around a room.

Lastly, we've moved up the bath chain from sink, to inflatable tub, to full on bath!  On occasion, her and Ellie take baths together :)  Super cute moments.


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