Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 28 - Holy Cow, Hello Third Trimester

"Time" you are a funny, funny thing.  How fast "you" move, yet how slow "you" go.

That's how I'm feeling this week as I officially round the bases into the last third of my pregnancy.  I'm trying to relish this experience but am wishing the next couple of months away at the same time.

This past Saturday welcomed a new baby Robison into our lives.  Little Sophia Grace was born to Braden's brother Cortny (really born to his amazing wife Amber).  Seeing little Sophia makes me want to meet Eva (that's the name we think we're going with) now.  Patience is not my greatest strength.

And as we get closer, I think I get anxious about how the next few months will progress.  I just want her to arrive safe and sound.  In another month I start 2/week non-stress tests due to the umbilical cord defect.  It just seems like a lot of testing.  But I'm staying positive and trying to focus on the things I do have control of.

Another reason to speed along is the wear and tear of pregnancy.  It takes its' toll on me and the family.  My abilities are becoming more and more limited.  As the tummy rounds out (I no longer have visibility to certain parts of my body) bending and lifting become constrained because the abs are gone.  It also feels like the relaxin is kicking in big time so my joints are sore after a nights rest or being in one position for too long.

Poor Braden has to take up more and jobs around the house and in life...I know he's excited to have the "real" me back.  I'm more needy than ever and it's just frustrating to both of us.  And I feel like I'm just not as focused on Ellie these days.  I feel like I'm constantly distracted.  So that bums me out.

On the flip side of all this though, is the watching Eva grow into a little person.  She's big enough now that my whole belly shifts and contorts with her movements.  She reacts to her outside environment of sounds and touches.  So at least once a day, I'm mesmerized by my belly.  I stop and watch the little life inside doing her thing and am in awe.

And I know that for all the discomforts, she's much easier to take care of now.  And that I don't have to worry about her out in the world because she's always with me.

So yeah, time (and being human)'s a funny thing. 

 Ellie decided that Eva needed an Elmo tattoo this week!

1 comment:

  1. AH!! I was just talking to Lizzy about wanting to see that beautiful pregnant belly of yours. how lovely. (absolutely adore Ellie sharing the Elmo tattoo). Its so hard to believe you're already in the third trimester! I can't wait to meet this new little person. Hope it all continues to go well. Love you all so so much.
