Wednesday was another ultrasound appt with the geneticist for a growth study review. We're happily at the point where the geneticist is no longer concerned with growth restriction. Eva is a big kid and is measuring a whole week ahead at this point. They guesstimate her weight somewhere between 4 and 5lbs. And the tech said she has really long arm and leg bones. (Her heart rate is holding at 140bpm) They also noted that she has a head of hair already (they gave us an ultrasound picture with hair at the nape of the neck)! The more we find out about little Eva, the more she sounds like a mini-Ellie.
Interestingly, now the concern is that her large size could be an issue if somehow the umbilical cord gets squished or tangled. So the twice/week non-stress tests are still scheduled with another ultrasound in 3 weeks. If feels like next week is the start of the official countdown! I will have 2-3 appts/week for the remainder of the pregnancy so it just feels like a matter of time...good thing Braden is making good progress on the nursery :)
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