Starting with Ellie. She has settled into the "new world order" of a house of four. When Eva came home, Braden and I divided child duty. It just made sense I focus the post-pregnancy/birth energy (ie no energy) I had on Eva and he take Ellie. But it soon caused a divided household. Ellie wouldn't let me do much of anything when it came to caring for her. But in recent weeks, I've started to feel better and as I engage her in her love languages, she has started to reciprocate with love and kindness in return. And we all seem to work better when both parents are able to care for both children.
Maybe all this cooperation and care has also had positive effects on sleep too. She has started to sleep through the night... again!!!! For the last year or so, she has been waking up at least once a night. The late night visits crescendo'd when we brought Eva home. (We were up to 3 -4 times a night) But after a cold slowed her down a couple weeks ago, she has slept through the night, every night since. It has been AWESOME. We are soooo excited. It makes such a difference for all of us.
The other amazing and wonderful change in Ellie's recent world has been all the self play. For the first time, Ellie has been using her imagination and creating whole worlds and playing by herself for long periods (20-30mins) of time. This is a very helpful skill as I learn to juggle two little people's needs. Plus it's just darn cute watching her creative and inventive imagination explore with play things.
As for Eva, yesterday was a BIG day. She got a new "gear". That's what B and I call milestone moments. From the minute she woke up, she just looked at us and everything around her differently. It was like she was "awake". She had such clarity and intent in her eyes and her movements. When she was held up over someone's shoulder, she carried her body like a baby...she stiffened her back so her head had full range of motion and her legs stuck straight out so she could be lifted higher on the shoulder (versus the baby ball of legs that allowed you to snuggle her into your chest). She also made more attempts to "talk" with coos and little sounds.
Her socialization also seemed to "turn on" with big, expressive smiles (compared to the sporadic, practice-like smiles we've been getting the last couple of weeks). Yesterday's smiles were almost a recognition of "Hey, I know you". They were the big, gummie grins I used to get from Ellie when she was happy to see us. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these!
Sleep is also changing. She's not sleeping as long during naps and can be awaken easier. But times are starting to stretch out at night. Eva's slept anywhere from 3-6 hours (exceptional night) at her longest stretch this week. I figure if I can get through one REM cycle on a regular basis, that I'll be rocking the world.
Also nice to report, I'm starting to return to my normal self! My body looks and feels almost pre-pregnancy. Nursing started to stabilize last week (ie I'm not letting down at all sorts of random times) which allows me to wear pre-pregnancy clothes. And because I feel more like myself, I'm happier and eating better. Which gives me more energy to be a better Mom. Life works in cycles, doesn't it?
PS. Just a quick shout out to the amazing family and friends that have been so helpful since Eva was born. People have made food, sent gifts, made visits, taken care of Ellie, held Eva, and showed a lot of love and care. We are very blessed and feel very grateful for every bit of it.
PS. Just a quick shout out to the amazing family and friends that have been so helpful since Eva was born. People have made food, sent gifts, made visits, taken care of Ellie, held Eva, and showed a lot of love and care. We are very blessed and feel very grateful for every bit of it.
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