Monday, December 16, 2013

You lose

I don't remember if I written about Ellie's competitive streak or not.  But it's becoming more and more evident that it's part of her programming.  It started with things like "I'm the leader, you walk behind me."  I thought it was part of her 2 year old independence.  Until a recent trip to a kids store...

The store had placed a number of toys out for kids to play with while parents shopped.  A little boy about the same age began to play with Ellie.  They found a car track set and started racing little wooden cars.  Each time the cars finished zooming down the track, Ellie loudly announced "You LOSE, I win!".  Sigh.  I applaud her zest for being good at things but come you really need to win all the time? 

This will be a very "interesting" trait to manage... 

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