Wednesday, June 4, 2014

7 1/2 months

What a month-ish it's been...not our most elegant but blessed none the less.  

There were some ups but many frustrating downs.  Again, I believe sleep is behind much of our angst.  We, inclusive of all family members, just need to get more of it.  The good news is that we've been working hard on it, trying to work through each of the girls hangups and are making head way.  This week, we have had successful nights which has led to happier days.  So the plan is to keep the focus on and get more and more sleep.

Eva's quickly figured out rolling last month (like 2 or 3 days of practice).  It was something the pediatrician encouraged last visit.  He wasn't worried because she was sitting well but wanted to get the other motions going.  Although I must say that hanging out on her stomach is still not preferred.

Most recently, she's been working on going from a seated position to hands and knees.  She'll rock or reach on hands and knees and then go back to seated.  So I'm guessing that crawling is not far off.  I think once she has the muscle strength to carry her robust self, she'll be fully mobile.

We had a quick visit with the pediatrician this month for a vaccine.  While there, we did a quick weigh in.  She's growing at a pretty steady 1lb/month.  This month she was just over 19lbs.

In other great news...Eva's closed tear duct finally opened.  The week we were scheduled to meet with Dr's to consider a probing procedure to open the duct, all the eye goop we'd been living with cleared up.  Funny how life works like that...even for babies :)

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