Friday, June 27, 2014

Whoa - 8 Months

Slow down...I personally dislike when we get close to the end of a year.  It just feels like the proceeding months went too fast and now we only have a little bit of time left.  Well that's where I'm at with Eva's first year.  I can't believe we only have 4 more months to go.

But after reviewing previous blogs, I'm also grateful to be where we are.  Eva's a whole little person.  She's engaging and sweet and loving (she gives me lots of kisses) and sleeping and taking a bottle and an all around person.  So I wouldn't trade being here for the newborn phase again.

Really the big stuff of the month happened the week leading up to the 8th month mark.  Babies are really amazing when it comes to skill acquisition.   We took a 5 hour flight to California and it was like some switch was flipped.  On the other side of the flight, Eva was now rolling from front to back and back to front.  She was actively trying to get people's attention to get a smile/reaction.  It made for a super fun trip since we were out and about a ton.

She also is starting her language development.  I can ask where Ellie or Daddy is and her face/eyes immediately dart for them.  Yesterday, we were looking at the ceiling fan in our room and I was making the sign for fan (pointing finger going in a circle).  I then asked her to show me the sign and she raised her hand and twisted her wrist.  Our first sign!

Teeth are coming!  The first one has broken thru and the one right next to it, isn't far behind.

With teeth comes food.  We have worked up to a range of foods.  She's eating mashed foods, feeding herself biscuits and cheerios.  And most fortunately, taking bottles. We've been giving one 8 oz bottle just before bed and that seems to be making a difference to how much sleep we've gotten from her.

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